Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

Most of my updates are about events in my families life, but I feel compelled to mention today. I think in years to come today will be one of those days people ask where were you when...? I hope that when my grandchildren ask me that question it is with disbelief that it was a historic occasion. I want diversity at ALL levels to be their norm. No matter what your politics are it is truly an amazing thing to watch our government change hands so peacefully. What a privilege it is to live in a country where we vote w/out fear and voice opposing views w/our govt. w/out looking over our shoulder.

I had chills as saw all those people braving the cold to be a part of this day! It was an amazing site to behold. I do not think change will come overnight. I do not know if some problems can be fixed-they may just have to run their course. I do believe that people are motivated for the first time in a while to try.

I am not blind to the problems of our country, but as I watched Max take an interest in this election, I was reminded that change starts with us. We teach tolerance and compassion to our children. We lend a hand to our neighbor in a time of need. We pray for people who don't want our prayers. So no matter who the president, this is the difference we can make. I am pledging to find a way to make a difference this year. I am not sure where and how-maybe recycle more, maybe serve Thanksgiving lunch to others - but I will be open to what comes my way. I also pledge to help my children learn to make a difference so that when they become adults community service is a part of who they are.

Enjoy your life- Jackie

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