Thursday, November 27, 2008


It's hard to believe another Thanksgiving is here. Every year seems to race by faster and faster. We were remembering our first Thanksgiving with Max. He was 5 months old, we had closed on our house the day before and of course me being me, we moved that Wed. night. So Thurs. morning dawned bright and cold and we began the Thanksgiving marathon! A whole lot of turkey later, Max cut his first tooth after having (disgusting) green beans baby food for the first time and then projectile vomited said green beans in Wal Mart. We finally arrived home (to the new house) to find we had no heat! The kids were rolling over this story but it made me realize that time is racing by- and while I am enjoying every second of it (although I don't miss baby food!) there are times I wish it would slow down.

At dinner each night we all share something good that happened that day. This week we covered what we were thankful for instead.

Molly's list includes: God and Jesus, her family and friends, Ringo, school and her teacher and turkey! Max was thankful for his family and our health, a house to live in and food to eat.

My list echos theirs quite a bit:
1. Family- far and near they bless me every day
2. Health- my own, Dennis', the kids, our siblings and their childrens, and our parents- Dennis' dad's has been a little rough but he is hanging in there.
3. Jobs we are both lucky enough to work with people we enjoy
4. Friends- new and old they are the family we pick. this group expanded to include baby Eli (Lawrence) this year
5. Grace-without this all the others are meaningless

I am also very thankful to live in this country and be able to enjoy all the freedoms we so often take for granted. So thank you to the pilgrims for dreaming and enduring to leave a legacy for us today. And even though Molly has told me the first Pilgrims did not have it, I am thankful to be heading to my mom and dad's for turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings this year-

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